Revolver - animation at Rotationen 2018

Under the title "Revolver", animated video projections combined with composed and improvised live music transform the building facades of the Modernen Galerie in Saarbrücken.

In the work "4:0" abstract objects and typography are developed and animated from basic geometric shapes. Through animation, color space and staged mistakes, strong contrasts are created that adapt to the geometric architecture of the museum.

Production by K8 - Institut für strategische Ästhetik gGmbH in cooperation with the departments "Light and Intermedia" and "Digital Media" of the HBKsaar and the jazz courses of the HfM Saar.

The project is realized on behalf of the Ministeriums für Bildung und Kultur des Saarlandes within the Interreg VA project Digitale Steine - Pierres Numériques. Another cooperation partner is the Stiftung Saarländischer Kulturbesitz.


Rotationen 2018
Rotationen 2018 - HBKsaar Archiv

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